According to DeepChao TechFlow, Alva Xu, a partner at IOBC Capital, released a review of Token2049 on the X platform, pointing out that the current cryptocurrency investment market is undergoing significant changes. Large European and American funds are accelerating financing and preparing to fight against Asian LPs. AUM is the enemy of venture capital funds.

European and American funds are squeezing out the living space of Asian funds. LPs have become as valuable as high-quality developers, and IRs will become increasingly important in the future. GPs are trying to prove that they can outperform Bitcoin returns by buying OTC shares, rushing to the secondary market, and incubating projects.

In response to the current situation, Alva Xu made three suggestions: do not emphasize financial returns and DPI; become an industry explorer and have your own worldview; DD every LP strategic planning, it is very important to understand the LP strategic layout of investment.