According to PANews, Gary Gensler, chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), sparked heated discussions among cryptocurrency users after announcing this week that he would attend a congressional meeting on the X platform. The U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing titled "Oversight of the SEC" on September 24 local time. Gensler will attend and testify, and will also attend the hearing on September 25 as a witness alone.

NFT collector Medic Matt said that appearing at Congress would be "a great opportunity to resign," reflecting calls from some in the community for Gensler to resign. Anderson, a well-known cryptocurrency researcher, predicted that Gensler would "not answer any questions and just waste everyone's time." Crypto YouTube blogger James Rule asked Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren if she would "write answers" for Gensler. Warren and Gensler have been accused of deliberately working to destroy the cryptocurrency industry.

Cryptocurrency investor and developer Leon Gaban said the SEC should be shut down and urged Gensler to "resign now." Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said he would fire Gensler on his first day in office if elected in November. Cryptocurrency analyst Jonathan Morgan reminded Gensler that his "Democratic allies" can no longer "slander" the cryptocurrency industry because more and more Republican politicians have acknowledged the industry's rapid growth.