According to Odaily Planet Daily, Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko emphasized that the only reason for a startup to fail is running out of funds, and avoiding running out of funds can ensure the company's survival.

Yakovenko warned entrepreneurs to be wary of long-term contracts, such as long-term leases for offices or data centers, and recommended keeping contract spending to less than 20% of total expenses.

He noted that large teams burn through money quickly and suggested that every employee should prove their value through profit or revenue.

If a company has 18 months of cash reserves and needs to achieve profitability or refinance within 6-12 months, it may need to cut spending by 33% if it is still not profitable after 6 months; after 9 months, it may need to cut spending by 50%. Contract spending cannot be cut, which may lead to layoffs of 50% or even 70%.