Binance co-founder He Yi posted a message on Binance Square, commenting on recent posts in the community that are pessimistic about blockchain. She said that in fact, it is not just the cryptocurrency circle that is anxious. Whether the investment market is active is inseparable from the economic cycle. Whether the economy is up or down will determine where the public's budget is allocated.

He Yi pointed out that every news from the Federal Reserve is a baton for market trends for senior players in the cryptocurrency circle, especially as the overall market size of the cryptocurrency circle continues to expand, large financial institutions are participating in the industry, and the blockchain industry is gradually maturing. Especially after the approval of BTC and ETH ETFs, as a "configurable asset" in the investment category, the cryptocurrency market and the stock market have become two sides of the same coin.

He Yi said that from Bitcoin being called a "Ponzi scheme" over and over again by countless people and being criticized by countless mainstream media to the approval of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs, it is certainly a remarkable victory. At the same time, it can be seen that the trading scale of traditional finance's related products in cryptocurrencies is steadily expanding, such as the trading volume of CME and ETFs.