According to BlockBeats, on August 26, French authorities confirmed that Pavel Durov was detained in France, and the Paris authorities will issue an official statement on Monday. The Russian Embassy in Paris requested consular visits and asked for protection of Durov's rights, but the French side avoided cooperation.
A Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said France may consider Durov's French citizenship as his primary nationality. Durov, 39, has an estimated wealth of $15.5 billion, according to Forbes.
Western officials say Telegram is a Russian military intelligence tool used to recruit people for sabotage activities in Europe. European security officials say Telegram is Russia's main platform for spreading disinformation.
Russian officials have slammed Western double standards on free speech. Russia's ambassador to Vienna called Durov's detention an example of totalitarian trends. Former President Dmitry Medvedev said it should serve as a wake-up call for entrepreneurs leaving Russia.