According to TechFlow, California Senator Scott Wiener responded to OpenAI's opposition to SB 1047. Wiener pointed out that OpenAI did not criticize the specific provisions of the bill, but recognized the rationality of its core content.

He stressed that while AI regulation should ideally be handled by Congress, given that Congress has not taken action, it is necessary for California to legislate first.

Wiener pushed back on the idea that the bill could hurt national security and rejected arguments that it could cause companies to leave California. He said SB 1047 would strengthen national security and apply to all companies doing business in California.

The bill has received support from national security experts such as former U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General John Shanahan and former Assistant Secretary of Defense Andrew Weber. Shanahan praised the bill as a balanced legislative proposal, while Weber emphasized that the bill would help establish necessary protections to prevent advanced AI systems from being stolen by adversaries.