Economist Selva Bahar Baziki said the Swedish central bank may pause its rate cuts at today's meeting, but will signal more rate cuts in the second half of the year, according to Jinshi. Two more rate cuts are currently forecast, which will reduce the policy rate to 3.25% at the end of the year. Compared with the forecast released in March, the Swedish central bank may lower its inflation outlook while keeping the policy rate path unchanged. It is generally believed that lowering the inflation outlook will also increase the number of rate cuts. However, given the hot underlying trend of inflation and the hawkish tendencies of other major central banks, keeping the interest rate path unchanged is a more likely outcome. The CPIF inflation rate was 2.3% in May and is expected to fall to 1.7% in June, which is below the central bank's 2% target, and according to estimates, inflation will remain below this level for most of the future.