According to Blockworks, Solana Meme coin generator has performed well recently, with many celebrities launching personal tokens on the platform. In the past four days, Caitlyn Jenner's account has been posting information about her personal token JENNER, which was issued on Solana through In addition, Iggy Azalea also launched his own Meme coin MOTHER in the craze. However, Jenner's launch of another JENNER token on Ethereum caused the price of the original Solana token to fall by two-thirds, and the Ethereum version also performed poorly. Currently, there are 14,000 Solana addresses holding JENNER, while the ERC-20 token has less than 2,000 wallets. The platform has collected nearly $28.9 million in SOL fees since its launch in January this year, setting a new record of $1.47 million yesterday.