According to TechFlow, Arthur Hayes said in his newly released article that smart investors exchanged fiat currencies for cryptocurrencies during the bear market from 2021 to 2023, and gradually reduced their positions when prices rose in the first quarter of this year. He believes that it is right to exchange junk coins for Bitcoin because Bitcoin is the hardest currency in history. However, it is wrong to exchange junk coins for fiat currencies that are not needed temporarily, because the existing fiat currencies will continue to be printed until the system is reset.

Bull markets are rare, and it is a pity if profits are not maximized. True crypto legends lean toward the left curve, and continue to buy and hold. Major economies around the world are devaluing their currencies to reduce government debt, and traditional finance has begun to profit from crypto derivatives.

The fundamental reason why cryptocurrencies have risen strongly against fiat currencies is the global devaluation policy. At present, we should resist the urge to sell, continue to increase positions, and stick to the left curve. After US Tax Day and Bitcoin halving, the market will enter a period of more opportunities. The volatility of cryptocurrencies will decrease, which is a good time to gradually increase positions. The next few months will provide a golden opportunity to increase positions.