Toincoin (TON) has attracted a lot of attention recently, rising 138% year-to-date to hit a new all-time high of $5.69, CryptoPotato reported. This development coincides with Telegram’s recent launch of a revenue sharing program that enables channel owners to earn 50% of ad revenue via Toncoin. TON price has increased by 101% in the past month, reaching an all-time high of $5.69 on March 27. On March 12, Telegram announced that it was considering an initial public offering (IPO). Within two days, the price of TON quickly rose by 61%, reaching a then-all-time high of $4.5. Telegram recently launched a new feature that distributes 50% of ad revenue in Toncoin (TON) to channel owners who display ads. Following the program’s recent launch, TON’s price rose by more than 5% to $5.48, according to CoinGecko. As a result, TON’s market capitalization has now reached $18.6 billion, making it the 12th largest token by market capitalization. Year-to-date, TON’s price is up more than 135%, making it one of the best-performing coins.