According to CoinDesk, a tentative deal between defunct lender Genesis Global Capital (GGC) and parent company Digital Currency Group (DCG) is facing opposition from a group of creditors. The group described the treatment of over a billion dollars in outstanding loans as 'wholly insufficient' in a Tuesday filing. GGC filed for bankruptcy in January after the collapse of hedge fund Three Arrows Capital and crypto exchange FTX. The wind-up has been delayed for months by talks over the contribution that DCG should make. An in-principle deal announced by Genesis on Tuesday saw DCG agreeing to a series of partial repayments to satisfy liabilities of $630 million in unsecured loans due in May 2023 and $1.1 billion due in 2032. However, the group of Genesis lenders said in a filing to the Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York that DCG's contribution is insufficient to satisfy even the uncontested loan amounts due. The lenders also took exception to DCG and CEO Barry Silbert being released from future legal claims, and threatened to block any final bankruptcy deal that incorporated the plans. The filing accused Genesis and a formal committee that represents creditors of neglecting their fiduciary duty to maximize recoveries by agreeing to the DCG deal. Membership of the ad hoc lenders' grouping has not been made public, but the filing says they have a combined $2.4 billion in claims against GGC, including a majority of each class of claims asserted against it. In the Tuesday filing that announced the deal, Genesis said it could result in recoveries of 70%-90% for unsecured creditors, and said that 'constructive discussions' were ongoing with the lenders' grouping. Neither Genesis nor DCG had responded to a CoinDesk request for comment by publication time.