$SOL $AVAX $KDA $conv

Solana (SOL): Solana is a high-performance blockchain that claims to offer fast, scalable, and secure solutions for decentralized applications. It uses a novel consensus mechanism called Proof of History, which enables it to process thousands of transactions per second. Solana was listed on Binance in April 2020 and has since grown by over 10,000%1.

Avalanche (AVAX): Avalanche is a platform that supports multiple interoperable blockchains and smart contracts. It aims to provide a fast, secure, and scalable environment for decentralized applications and digital assets. Avalanche was listed on Binance in September 2020 and has since increased by over 2,000%.

Kadena (KDA): Kadena is a hybrid blockchain that combines public and private networks. It uses a unique Proof of Work algorithm called Chainweb, which splits the network into multiple parallel chains that share the same security and consensus. Kadena was listed on Binance in November 2020 and has since risen by over 1,000%.

Convergence (CONV): Convergence is a protocol that enables the tokenization and trading of real-world assets on the blockchain. It allows users to create and access decentralized asset pools that represent various asset classes, such as stocks, commodities, real estate, etc. Convergence was listed on Binance in March 2021 and has since gained over 300%.