If you were born in a bear market and made good purchases, you may not be used to seeing numerous profits. Normally, when we see 5 or 10 dollars of profit, we get the itch to close our positions and take profits without letting them run (especially if you set out to become a holding company), which is why I want to share with you something that I learned about with my last panic sale: reverse DCA .

The reverse DCA consists of partially selling the same amount of coins, while your position increases in price. This will allow you to accumulate incremental profits as there is an upward trend.

As an example, if you bought 200 SOL at 28, and it starts to rise, you can start your reverse DCA by selling 5 SOL weekly when your price reaches 56 and then continue doing so every week until the uptrend goes into reversal.

It is not investment advice. As an old adage says: "With patience and calm, an elephant climbs a palm tree."

Have a great success.