We all are investing in Crypto Market and different Cryptocurrency to earn profit from our investments.

But we generally forget one important thing which is most important to make profit in Crypto market is to sell them. But Why let's understand.

Whenever we are investing in Crypto Market at a low we are nervous and confused as to how far will the price of the Crypto Investment go, but when the Crypto starts pumping (Specially in the Bull Run) we tend to forget to sell them because of two reasons:

  • WE BECOME GREEDY - As the Crypto market starts rising the greed inside every investor keeps rising and we end up not selling it because we change our targets according to the market conditions which is one of the most common mistake.

  • NOT CHANGING THE TARGETS - As we buy the Crypto we should decide our targets according to the levels we buy the Crypto in. For eg. A Person who has bought a Crypto near to it's ATH will have a different target, on other hand a person who has bought a Crypto at low will have different targets. We tend to just copy the targets of others and become very sure of it.

  • WANT TO SELL AT ALL TIME HIGH - It is a most common mistake of every Crypto Investor, A Crypto Investor wants to buy at lowest point and wants to sell at the highest price and this leads to all the confusion, for buying where you can be very close as you will be buying in lots, but for selling it is totally a different game altogether where a Crypto pumps for 10-15 days and we become more greedier and are not sure when to sell, eventually entering into losses.

So it is better for all of us to decide our Crypto Portfolio along with what will be it's Selling point at the time of initial research which we do before buying the Crypto.

Happy Buying!!!