How to earn points to redeem MONEY 💸✨in $USDC in binance ???
Want to know ??
There are many ways to earn points :
1. You can compete in the crypto wodl where you need to win 5 times in 8 days to get somewhere from 5-9 points in 8 days
2. You can check in daily in the creator center and earn 1 point daily
3. You can go in creator center then check in
where you will find missions like creating posts with certain hashtags and coin pairs which are limited time missions that grant 5 points each
4. You can complete the monthly challenges for more points which require you to trade , refer others etc.
(u can earn many points from this )
these are the methods that i use / know that can be used to earn points
to give you an estimate you can earn 300+ points monthy from the crypto wodl and check in which take about 5-10 minutes daily .
The real deal is the monthly challenges
where you can earn from 30-400 points per spin or join in for a share of 4M (4000000) points pool
(you get a spin after completing a challenge)
after getting the points you can use them to redeem usdc / money in the rewards hub
currently you need 100 points to claim 1 $USDC /USD and enjoy
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(Btw from now on i will be giving the wodl answers after every theme change asap)