Lto network is not just an RWA narrative. Because, since the launch of its layer 1 Blockchain in 2019, it has already been used by Dutch companies such as Firm24, one of the main legal services companies and a commercial registry notary in the Netherlands, which by the way, Firm24 is the company that gave rise to LTO Network. It is an enterprise-grade Blockchain that has gained real adoption in the real-world economy.

LTO is already used by IBM, ScanTrust, UN-Habitat (GoLand Registry), Dutch Government, Triall with clinical trials and many others.

*GoLand Registry - The UN chose LTO NETWORK for this project because LTO offers a robust Hybrid Public-Private approach framework that enables it to be GDPR compliant which makes it compatible with the laws of any country, no matter how strict they may be its regulations. So, ONU and LTO partnered to create a revolutionary Blockchain-based land registry, property registration and land registration system. LTO Built and delivered this revolutionary land and property management ecosystem, named GoLand Registry, in 2019 - 2020 (Construction and Delivery), which is expanding

With new technologies recently delivered such as:

1_ Fillthedoc - an ecosystem that provides document automation tools that is used by large companies, small companies and developers around the world. Jurgen Thomas, founding partner at OSRE, puts this into perspective when he says:

“fillthedoc is the most powerful document engine we've ever seen. It handles our clients’ complex real estate contracts, instantly saving 50% on drafting time.”

2_ PROOFi - DID ecosystem for KYC/AML for DeFi, CeFi, TradFi, etc. (partnership with Chainlink)

3_ OWNABLES - Ecosystem of ownership of Digital Assets and digital collectibles, which is revolutionizing traditional NFTs by bringing real utility to the ecosystem; decentralization of asset ownership, as assets remain in the user's private possession. The possibilities are endless with this technology that involves blockchain games, music, videos, digital arts, avatars for metaverses, etc.

4_  EQTY - The world's most advanced Real World Assets (RWAs) tokenization ecosystem, which will connect LTO RWAs to on-chain Liquidity, starting with Liquidity available on the Ethereum network and its Layer 2, as this is where most of it occurs of Defi participation. (Under development).

"LTO NETWORK will start experimenting with tokenization and bringing various assets onto the LTO Network. Our current aim is to tokenize up to 1 million USD worth of assets in the next 12 months." Shawn, CMO LTO NETWORK.

These new technologies built and delivered by LTO show the team's commitment to building solutions that solve real problems in both the cryptographic digital world and the real-world economy.

**It is not an investment recommendation, study the projects so that you can make a rational and responsible decision when investing your money**


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