I’ve received numerous messages about the $TRUMP coin situation, so let me break down what happened. When Donald Trump announced the launch of this coin, claiming it would support the U.S. economy and help with fundraising, it sparked a lot of interest. Some people appreciated the idea, converted their entire portfolios into this coin, and made substantial profits in the beginning.
However, those engaging in futures trading with this coin—essentially gambling on this meme project—faced severe losses. Many were completely wiped out.
Here’s the most interesting part: there are plenty of people with significant funds, but they lack the experience to trade effectively or decide which coins to invest in. Out of fear of missing out (FOMO), they often buy coins when the prices are already at their peak. Unfortunately, when the price drops, they end up trapped.
So, always remember this: never rush to buy a coin immediately after it gets listed. Be patient, analyze the data, and then make informed investment decisions.
#MelaniaTrumpLaunchesToken #TRUMPCoinMarketCap