good morning everyone! I am Ye Zhanxuan! Looking back at yesterday's Hangqing: After rising above the 43772 line in the morning and coming under sluggish pressure, it continued to fluctuate around 43400. In the afternoon, Chazhen tested the downward trend, which also led to our Shipanduosong helpless sweep and had to leave the market with regret. In the evening The market did not rebound as expected. After breaking through the support near 43,400, it accelerated its decline, reaching the lowest level of 41,600. What I want to say here is that not every market trend can be accurately predicted, and in many cases we will be led astray by the market trend. Under the current volatile market, the market that seems to be breaking out of position often fails to continue. The market that seems to be moving in a range may break out of position. The regularity is very messy. Breaking out of position often forms a virtual break during the consolidation of the shock cycle. The rise is also accompanied by a fall, so it is somewhat uncomfortable to not grasp the range-bound trend. Next, let’s talk about morning sailing!

Judging from the current trend structure, the layout focuses on the possibility and magnitude of continued decline after a short-term decline. If the decline fails to continue and rises repeatedly, then we can expect signs of a subsequent rise in the market. In addition, the downside space is still valid, so in the short term, it will return to the shock consolidation range for adjustment. This is still a process of shock consolidation. We need to wait to follow the market's continued trend before effectively breaking through. At present, what we are paying attention to above is the touch near the starting and falling point yesterday morning. If we cannot recover this point, there will still be downward expectations; secondly, we also need to pay attention to the strength of the support near the bottom. If it successfully breaks down, the market will face more difficulties. Big callback space. The current market trend is still stuck in a see-saw state within a wide range. We need to wait for a unilateral trend breakthrough to form and continue before we can follow the trend.

Morning action suggestions:

BTC operation Zhanxuan’s personal suggestion: go long near 42150-42050, target 42800-43500.

ETH operation Zhanxuan's personal suggestion: more around 2215-2200, target 2270-2300.

Yingkui will publish it on the entire network every day, and short-term ideas and strategies will be updated daily. Friends who are not good at it💧💧

If you have lost your position or have a difficult order, you still need to talk to me. If you need help, just contact Zhanxuan at any time!#BTC #sol #ORDI #ETH