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Today's midday plunge shook the market, prompting many to cut losses and exit. The delayed article publication left traders scrambling, grappling with uncertainty and hesitating on short positions.

Amid Bitcoin's dip to around 42,500, a semblance of stability emerges near 42,700. Technical indicators, like the open Bollinger Bands channel and upward-trending KDJ, suggest a potential rebound. MACD's rising red kinetic energy supports a cautious buy-in strategy.

My advice:

- Bitcoin: Consider buying around 42,700-42,600

- Target: 43,200-43,500

- Defense: First line at 42,400

For those uncertain, seek guidance from d8888516 to discuss market insights and strategic orders. Knowledge empowers; understanding the market is crucial for growth. May this guide you in times of confusion.

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