That's right, they started the hype to shave the hamsters)) they make money on you. I bought my XRP back in 2022 at 0.34, they are still in my portfolio
It's a shame to sell them, so much time has passed, let them lie there, accumulate for at least another 5-7 years )) And I don't need the money from them now, I trade in other currencies
Replied to KPOCOBOKNo, I'm a newbie, I just used to buy at random and always lost. As soon as I started buying on your signal, I was able to get a little bit of a +. I also bought these coins, I'm waiting.
Не знаю как в марте, но через год будет точно1$, через 2 - 0,5-0,7, на этих уровнях будет валяться год никому не нужный, а потом к 2028 году начнёт расти. 2029-около 4$ думаю.
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