Have you noticed that the song "Wake Up and Sing" by Larisa Mondrus is perfect for holders and crypto optimists?))

This law has long been known:

The world is uninteresting without songs,

But even if it rains from the morning,

People must know for sure:

There are no grounds for sadness,

Tomorrow will be better than yesterday!

Wake up and sing! Wake up and sing!

Try in life at least once

Not to let a smile escape from your open eyes!

Let success be capricious,

It chooses among those,

Who can laugh at themselves first!

Sing while falling asleep, sing in your dreams, wake up and sing!

Often children hear from their elders,

That everything in the world has diminished:

People, rains, and everything you take!

It seems they forgot that at the beginning

Grandfathers complained about the same,

And in the meantime — the world is still good!

Forget everything that has passed!

What has fallen — is lost,

What has gone will not come back!

There is only "there" and no "back"!

What seems incredible now,

Tomorrow will surely happen!



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