Supply vs Demand is everything. The first edition evaluated how to properly assess the supply of a cryptocurrency. Now, lets zoom on in to the demand component.

What Does Demand Actually Look Like?

  • Higher than typical volume within the market.

  • Higher than typical volume for its own trading pairs.

  • Rising inflows as measured on Defi Llama or comparable website.

  • Listing of the token/coin on new platforms and exchanges.

  • Rising Open Interest showing derivatives increasing in volume.

  • Trading and maintaining price action above eMAs

    • I personally like the 9ema on a 1H to 4H time frame because it is skewed towards recent price action and is more responsive than an sMA

  • Trending on Social Media Platforms like Binance Feed and Twitter are key markets of social sentiment and overall "buzz"

Finding Demand:

Market screeners are a great way to find opportunities across the market. Here are some of favorite ones for your personal usage.





Remember, we want to find projects with volume and trading above their MAs. Use that criteria to refine your search further.

Story to Match:

A cryptocurrency is only as strong as the narrative behind it. We wrote three detailed articles diving into the current narratives, and tools to find existing ones! Please check it out, it is worth your time.

Thanks for reading!