If you can’t boast of more that $100 in your crypto investment account, do this immediately to grow your capital to $1000:

Let’s say you have $100:

1. Split your $100 into four: 30-20-40-10

2. Use $30 to first invest in one project you so believe in

3. Use $20 to find someone who would successfully teach you how to trade futures

4. Use the $40 as your trading capital

5. Use the last $10 as your emergency fund

Take your time to learn and practice how to trade futures.

This will work for some people but it wouldn’t work for others.

If you really want to drive that lambo or change your parents life through crypto as a small investor, this advice should be taken into consideration.

I’m rooting for you 🍷

#ChidiFinance #SmallCryptoInvestors #BullCycle