The title investor is one almost everyone across all walks of life desire to be identified with; from NBA superstars to professional and practicing career persons.

What could be the reason?

Well, good and astute investors are characterized by traits desirous of everyone and may be, bearing investors makes us possess these traits.

Such traits include but are not limited to:

1. Wealthy

2. Disciplined

3. Patient

4. Foresight

5. Good judgement

6. Integrity.

Nevertheless, we all may be investors. Let us go on to clearly distinguish the investor from the trader. Stay with me.

An investor is he who risks his capital to:

1. Bring to fruition an idea and

2. Scale an existing business to help a greater number of persons profitably.

He can broadly be a venture capitalist, an angel investor, a fund manager, a wealthy individual, as well as retailers who subscribe to initial public offerings and initial coin offerings.

Unlike the trader who makes money off price and volatility changes, the investor primarily makes money from the successful execution of their idea(s). Because an investor believes in their idea, they do not want to exit too early when there is a potential for 5x, 10x, and even become a unicorn business. E.g, BNB initial coin offering, TWT initial coin offering, Amazon initial public offering...

As such, an investor generally is a long-term committed individual. Hence, they are usually fundamental analysts. Their early exit can be from three years or more.

To sum, the distinction between the trader and an investor is seen in their:

1. Approach to making money from the market and

2. Time commitment.

It is also worthwhile to note that investors birth the asset classes traders trade...

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