Project official website:

1/Income analysis and reasons for being optimistic about this project:

I think it is very possible to open 5-10 times! ZKfair is the L2 of the ZK series of Ethereum. It uses the stable currency USDC as Gas. Its new market value is only 4 million W. The chip distribution model is novel + fair distribution + the story is attractive enough + the market value is low enough.

2/Interpretation of rules:

The total amount of ZKS is 10 billion, of which 2.5 billion are given to addresses that have interacted with zkSync, Scroll, ZKSpace, Polygon EVM, and Linea from October 20, 2023 to December 20, 2023. Inquiry address:

The total amount of ZKF tokens obtained by burning gas: 7.5 billion (3 million U quota)

It lasts a total of 48 hours and is divided into four 12-hour phases. Each stage is worth 750,000 USDC.

In each stage, tokens are distributed based on the gas fees contributed by all users in this stage. Gas fees exceeding 750,000 USDC will be returned to each user in proportion after the event.

Take the first stage as an example. A total of 4.93 million U of gas was consumed, but only 75W U of quota was allocated. If you spent 1000U, you would almost get 150U of quota, and the remaining 850U would be refunded.

3/Add zkfair chain and cross-chain tutorial:

It is recommended to take the official bridge, it will take about 15-30 minutes to arrive.

4/Set transaction fees for interaction. Since there is an upper limit for a single transaction fee, if you want to consume the most gas, you need to manually fill up each transaction fee. Please see the tutorial for details

5/Other tips:

Gas limit rules:

1. The gas price limit for a single transaction in the first phase is 200,000 Gwei.

2. The gas price limit for a single transaction in the second phase is 1,000,000 Gwei.

3. Gas limit for a single transaction: 500,000.

4. Transaction frequency limit for each IP address.

How to consume gas quickly:

Use Dapp to interact because smart contracts use higher gas. Recommended interactive dapps: DEX, NFT, and other dapps in the ecosystem.

There are still 24 hours left to burn gas and get airdrops! Overall, the odds of this project are quite high!

#ZKFair #Layer2 #Ethereum #ETH/USDT