Binance has a tiered fee structure based on 30-day trading volume. The higher your VIP level, the lower the commission fee. You can view the full fee structure on Binance's official website.

Example Calculation:

For example, you are at VIP level 5 with a 30-day trading volume of more than 1,000,000,000 BUSD.

- If you place a taker order using USDT, the commission fee will be 0.0243%.

- If you use BNB, the commission fee will be 0.0243% x (1 - 10%) = 0.02187%.

Fee Saving Tips:

* Become a maker: By placing an order, you can get lower fees compared to taking an existing order.

* Use BNB: Paying fees using BNB is the most effective way to save fees.

* Increase trading volume: The larger your trading volume, the lower the commission fee.