2025 Savings Goals
As we step into 2025, I am committed to taking control of my finances and building a stronger savings foundation. Below are my savings goals for the year:
Short-Term Goals (January-June 2025)
1. Emergency Fund: Save $1,000 in an easily accessible savings account to cover unexpected expenses.
2. Debt Repayment: Pay off $700 in high-interest debt from student loans by August 2025.
Mid-Term Goals (July-December 2025)
1. Retirement Savings: Contribute at least 10% of my income to my retirement account.
2. Major Purchase Fund: Save $5,000 for a major purchase car, buy land and start building my dream house.
3. Education Fund: Set aside $3,500 to pursue a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering.
Long-Term Goals (2025 and Beyond)
1. Wealth Building: Invest in a diversified portfolio to grow my wealth over time.
2. Homeownership: Save for a down payment on a home, aiming for 20% of the purchase price.
3. Financial Independence: Create a plan to achieve financial independence by [December 2026].
My Action Plan
To achieve these goals, I will:
1. Create a budget and track my expenses.
2. Set up automatic transfers to my savings and investment accounts.
3. Review and adjust my goals regularly.
4. Avoid impulse purchases and stay focused on my objectives.