Good morning :) . Some people have asked me how I have been able to achieve a good return on my investments. In fact, I haven't done anything very special other than conversions at promotional rates and staking income.

What else do I consider to have contributed to this?

1. I don't allow myself to become anxious. I put my physical and mental health first as a matter of principle and necessity. Prosperity is about generating health and wealth, not illness and debt.

2. Since I have few resources to invest and can't afford to lose, I prefer consistent gains. I set aside small amounts of $1 to $5 to test moves whose results I don't know. These are often the investments I learn the most from, but they don't always work. So I try to observe and reflect on the experience and improve the next time.

Did anyone ask what I take?

3. In addition to drinking lots of water, teas, and natural juices... I also get up from the screen every hour and a half to take a deep breath, oxygenate my brain, and improve my cognitive quality. I organize myself and make an effort to maintain a decent diet.

I've been studying the market for 3 years, and I still think I know very little, or almost nothing.

4. Even though it may seem irrelevant, I like documentaries about the history of great mathematicians like Aristotle, Da Vinci, Hypatia, Miletus, or Euclid. Even though I'm not good at math, I think they teach a lot about human issues.

5. I try to improve my quality of life by walking, swimming, or doing some kind of physical exercise.

I hope I've helped, and I wish you all the best for 2025!

#staking #holder #HealthIsWealth