Since yesterday, I've been thinking about a line that SYN mentioned, Staking $SYN immediately receives 5.5 $CX and vice versa, unstaking to get back 1 SYN will burn 5.5 CX.

This is a pretty good trick, I keep thinking of it as SYN is CX and CX is SYN. ​​Both can be sold on Binance... just need to exchange to SYN. ​​

SYN is an extremely fast cross-chain protocol with extremely cheap fees that supports all chains. Building CX took 18 months to launch the demo, then 1 month to launch the tokenomics in the previous post I mentioned.

From the above reasoning, can I say that SYN is a cross-chain narrative, and also an Ai Agent L1 Narrative?

- SYN is deflationary after the 2025 proposal is passed, burning SYN will collect the fee

- CX is an L1 AI Agent that can be trained for any protocol that needs to create an AI Agent. And then use CX as Gas…

At first, I HOLD SYN and only set a target of 1B, which means x6-7 is enough. Now that the AI ​​Agent is HOT, and it is timing at this HOT time, how much should I set the SYN target, should I change SYN to CX?

Anyone with some advice for me?