Optimizing the existing BitTorrent protocol sets a precedent of allowing users to store value from sharing small amounts of infrastructure in order to spend that value later. It is an obvious first step in the introduction of a cryptographic token, but it is a small fraction of what is becoming possible. We are preparing to dramatically extend both the earning opportunities and the spending opportunities for users of BTTC -enabled BitTorrent clients.

We are developing a range of generalized BTTC services, as well as preparing to open up the platform to third-party developers to allow use of the wallet and BTTC in their applications. After extensive discussions with partners interested in our platform, we have concluded that the following three basic BTTC services should be offered by BitTorrent:

(1) A decentralized content delivery service to enable service requesters to advertise bids and pay BTTC for bandwidth to receive a particular piece of content. This service will be well-suited for mass distribution of content, especially in the presence of censors or other attackers. Service providers will be incentivized to serve content to as many people as possible, thus ensuring robust performance even with high numbers of service requesters.

(2) A decentralized storage service to enable service requesters to pay for storage over time, and to download the stored data from service providers for a prearranged fee. Service providers will agree to store data and provide on-demand proofs-of-storage to the service requester. Service providers will naturally seek out content which offers the highest payment rate over time. This service will be useful for remote backup and sharing of private data among small groups.

Waiting FOR GENERALIZED ( BTTC ) SERVICES PART - 2 . Coming Soon——

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