Answering a question that everyone is asking:

If doge becomes the currency of the world, then it won't rise, right?


1. 1doge=1doge, it does not rise or fall against itself, just like the current US dollar, which has no rise or fall against itself; only the exchange rate of various national currencies against the US dollar fluctuates. If a country's currency is overissued, then it depreciates, and purchasing doge requires more money. Various national currencies are merely pegged to doge.

2. Currently, the total money supply M2 in the United States is $20.9634 trillion, and China's M2 is $273.81 trillion, equivalent to $38.06 trillion. Just the M2 of China and the US amounts to $58 trillion, while the market cap of doge is only $30 billion.

3. Inflation has become an unavoidable phenomenon, which has also led to a decrease in the purchasing power of national fiat currencies.

Summary: If we only consider the current global total M2, then 1 doge = $420. If economic development and countries overissue currency, then doge will continue to rise relative to various national fiat currencies.

Currently, 1 doge = $0.39.

If you still don't understand 1doge=1doge, then go back to kindergarten for further study.