Dear noob,

Yes! Noob... That's what you are here! Just accept the truth with due humility and the path will be easier for you.

The tough master here will give you, free of charge, the only and most valuable lesson you need to survive in this jungle of greed, pain and suffering... Write it down:

"Here, no one has a crystal ball, no one really knows where the market is going and no one is absolutely right... Here, everyone just "guesses" with an irrational degree of certainty. (And that also includes the master!)"

Even if an opinion is based on solid criteria or even on no criteria at all, it is still an opinion. Criteria are nothing more than a tool to support one's opinion. And it is true: some people may predict the future better than others in their opinions, which is why the market has winners and losers, but it is still an opinion and not a prophecy, because the future still belongs to the Creator of existence. PRAISE BE TO HIM!

"What indicator points to the rise of currency X in period Y.." Blah, blah, blah... This is all pure blah, blah, blah to convince you that the person giving their opinion knows and you don't. But the truth is that they don't know either, they just argue well and good arguments don't make the market (or do they? 🤔).

Given all this, there is only one piece of advice left to give you: before you start buying everything without knowing anything, establish your own criteria for buying and selling and stick to them, no matter what happens, that is, first of all, put together your investment thesis.

The investment thesis is your own guide to making decisions based on reason rather than emotion.

For example, in my thesis there is a point that is: whatever happens, I will not buy $BTC or $ETH or #memecoin under any circumstances and I have my reasons for that. I am not saying that your thesis has to be the same as mine, on the contrary, if a point of your thesis is: you only buy $BTC, $ETH and memecoin when it is high, even if I do not agree, I will tell you: be faithful to your thesis and do not let go of it, win with it or sink with it, but do not let go of it.

Obviously, you can (and should!) review your thesis as much as you want to improve it, but if your thesis is different every day, you ultimately have no thesis at all, just instantaneous and emotional criteria, be careful there!

Many people make guesses, including the master: this will go up, that will go down and they justify it with good arguments... But remember: no one really knows where the market is going, not even the master, and you? Less so!

Does studying help you "give your opinion" better? Of course! But what to study? The master says: monetary theory! If you don't understand this, you haven't understood anything and shouldn't even be here!

Technical and fundamental analysis help? Of course! But remember that there are no 100% reliable indicators, that's why they are called indicators, because they only INDICATE a possible possibility (the redundancy was intentional!) and not an absolute certainty, otherwise they would be called "oracles".

Don't get excited and don't become a fanatic of any token, remember that a token is just letters and numbers on a screen with a funny little figure as a logo (or even a boring one) and not the salvation of your existence.

The only thing that matters here is buying at price X and selling at Y, and Y has to be greater than X. Whether this is done with BTC, ETH or the memecoin of the flying and beating rat with no whitepaper and zero functionality, it doesn't matter, as long as you win!

Among so many opinions and experts at the forefront of the crypto market, who should you listen to? Everyone, especially the master! But... Observe everything, but only retain what is good for you.

Lastly, for someone to win, someone has to lose, never forget that!

The master wants to influence you to buy what he is indicating because he knows that the "herd effect" is what raises (and brings down) the market and because the master has already been positioned for a long time in the assets he is indicating and everyone does it.

No one is recommending you a token because it is nice. After all, the logic is very simple: if there are more buyers than sellers, the price goes up. Basic law of supply and demand.

Imagine: everyone liquidating everything they have in life to buy $SHIBA and nothing else, what would happen? $SHIBA would be the only token with value in the crypto market and $BTC would be worth thousandths of a dollar with no one wanting to buy it.

Here, whoever can guess where the herd is going wins.

The question is: which herd will you be in? The master's or those lettuce hands that run crying to their mother at the first 20% drop?

Understand: the only true CURRENCY in this world is FAITH. Because things ONLY have value because people BELIEVE they have value.

Speaking of which, I'm selling this painting I painted for just 10 BTC (shipping included anywhere in the world). If you have 10 BTC and think my painting is worth that or much more, you'll definitely buy it. Won't you? Didn't they buy a banana taped to a wall for an absurd amount of money to pay for a simple BANANA?

Anyway... Did you understand the lesson, my little grasshopper?

Follow me on Square, on Instagram "realthiagolyra", search for me on YouTube and (why not?) google me too, because I'm even on Spotify and so you can contemplate the brave, talented and random master.

With love,

Thiago Lyra - CVO Lyra Trading and Holding Company

The Master!