Still no moon even after DAO and 3 games in beta test... whyyyyy ?? whyyyyyyyyyy ??? 😭😭😭😭

Simple response : 💩 project , 💩 games, 💩 Team , 💩 roadmap , 💩 organizations... 🤮🤮🤮

Still some chill posts trying to push people to invest .... don't be blind !! don't invest 1 cent !!! DYO well before crying for looooong time and holding this 💩 coin.

GO check all the new chats in telegram ( less than 200K members , far from 300M community right 🤣🤣) too much confusion , loyal users being disappointed because they play season 1 hardly and interlude season too but they don't have access to the beta test 🥹🥹😅😅😅 here some screenshots from today .

Beware , don't invest 1 cent !! wait the official release of this 💩 games and you'll see a BIG decreasing of price and all ... 🥺🥺🍌🍌🍌

To hamster lovers , don't bother to reply here or report all my posts 🤦🤦 I'll be here for long time 😘😘

