#Cloudmining contracts of binance is the scammiest shittiest thing ever!!! Dont ever fall for it. Give your hard earned money to anbody who needs, at least you can say that guy need it.

Binance sells you a contract and tells you you will earn 0.00000600 Btc a day but it may be lesser or more its a bit related to energy expanses ectโ€ฆ but its been 6 months and everyday i get less and less btcโ€ฆ tell the people that they definitely will get lesser and lesser amount of btc. Dont screw people with lies!!!

ฤฐ spent that stupid contract 240$ and all i collected so far since july is 80$

If i bought that amount btc the day i signed in that filthy contract, my money would be X2 by now easily.

What kind of transaction is this? You take my 240$ and give me 40 cents a day for one year and it would make 240$ again if btc hits 250.000$ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ shame on everysinglefreakinone who has a role in this worldwide scam!