The Altcoin Season is increasingly resembling a trap!

Whether you enter early or late, you will fall into this trap.

- If you enter early, you expect the Altcoin season to explode to the moon but

+ The position is obviously not good

+ You have to DCA for a long stretch

+ You must have faith because the market and coins fluctuate easily influenced by news and FUD, affecting psychology.

- If you enter later, you have already witnessed the Altcoin Season happen, so you have a lot of faith

+ The position is bad, making it easy to FOMO at the peak

+ Usually, you DCA on the other side of the hill and DCA until you die until the downtrend bottom :))

+ Typically, you go all in with large capital

So, there's still the case of entering at the right time!

This case exists, but not everyone can do it and not everyone can hold onto their assets.

- This group mainly consists of traders because they frequently enter and exit, so the probability of hitting the golden moment of the Altcoin Season is higher; however, the downside is that as traders, they often have short targets, resulting in premature exits.

- The risk is that a premature exit can lead to a big trap for revenge or opening a short => loss.

Everywhere is a trap, so be careful, know where you are positioned to act flexibly.

And I swear, no matter how big the Q1 uptrend is, in the end, very few will profit, dreaming of getting it all in one go.

Remember to set your goals and bail out before it's too late.

#altcoins #BTC