December is about to end. January there is a new dawn.

During 2025, we might just see alot of AI coins getting listed.

AI, RWA or gaming coins might just dominate in 2025.

There are several great picks out there which are currently already listed.

For example:

$FET is already listed and might hit a new ATH.

$LINK is always a solod pick

$SUPER does look stable but there is still room for more.


Do not buy cheap coins because they are cheap. Market Cap matters more.

There are several AI coins not even listed on big platforms. You just might look into them.

Choose your assets well.

AI will do great, maybe better than RWA or gaming.

There are several coins out there with a very small market cap. Once those coins get listed - you just have to collect get listed.

(not a financial advise)

#AI #strategy