A new trend, they said...
All channels have started to shill these miners with stars ⭐️, and what's more, even Durov dedicated an entire post to it, which means this is the future of telegram and will make us all rich?😄
But let's analyze what they offer us to mine.
Not too much or too little #BTC , #ETH . The protocols are exactly the same, only they use phones as ASICs. Whether anyone needs such bitcoin or ether, I can't say, but you will definitely drain the battery.
And this will need to be taken into account in the future drop😉

Do you want me to tell you about real bitcoin and virtual mining in 2021?
In short - in 2021 I invested $350-400 in mining and in 2023 I withdrew 0.015 bitcoin without earning anything in money. And in bitcoin, if I had just bought it from the market, I would have more.

But I was lucky that I at least got something back. The company turned out to be real; I didn't choose it for nothing. But still, they are bastards because in 2022 they closed withdrawals for everyone from Russia.
While I sat in the block for 2 years and lost hope of getting anything. During this time, China banned mining and the hashrate rolled down, as shown on the chart, but back then it was a crash and virtual mining became very profitable.

And according to my contracts, I mined well, but it still wouldn't have outpaced regular market purchases🤷♂️
As you can see, the hashrate has been growing steadily since then. And virtual mining is still unprofitable to this day.🙈
Now 0.015 #BTC is worth $1500, and if I had just held onto bitcoin, I would have earned 4-5 times.
I should have just saved it and held onto it, as all financial gurus say🧘
If we look back, 5-year cycles work, and I was in a bear market. And now we have a bull market; let's assume that the cycles will continue to work.
Information for newcomers - soon there will be a bear market and a crash 🤷♂️ and then for 4 years we will be wrapping snot around our hands and whining, well when will it grow?!😂
To summarize. Will bitcoins and ethers grow in mini apps, will they survive when there is hate for crypto and a fierce tightening of regulations?
I doubt it. Then it won't be a priority.
I'm skipping it since I've already gone through this story, but you are the younger generation, perhaps for you this is new... so I'm not holding anyone back....
But one thought doesn't let me rest, will bitcoin continue to grow or not?😄