Dear colleagues,

I am writing this article to provide some clarity about Telegram's projects. Telegram's first and main project as a separate blockchain ecosystem is the cryptocurrency #TON. It has been successful in the crypto market for years, maintaining levels of over $5 per unit. The growth potential of #TON is at least twice its current price and market capitalization. The second project that started from Telegram and reached us at Binance is the #DOGS project, the first memecoin that received the support of over 52 million Telegram users. The #DOGS team also implemented the largest airdrop in the history of memes. Last but not least is the #BLUM project, which is Telegram's decentralized exchange, which is supported by Binance. These are projects with growing potential that are worth participating in, even for free!

If you want to join an airdrop or create your own memecoin with minimal funds, follow the links below. All you need is Telegram! Don't forget to create a Telegram wallet too!