The price of Bitcoin today is $97,319.07, with a change of 1.23% in the last 24 hours ¹. Compared to yesterday's price, BTC has experienced an increase of 1.73% ².

Regarding trading volume, BTC has recorded a volume of $94.31 billion in the last 24 hours ¹. The current market capitalization is $1.95 trillion ¹.

It is important to note that the price of Bitcoin can fluctuate rapidly due to market volatility. It is advisable to continuously monitor news and market analysis to make informed decisions about your investments.

Here are some additional data about the price of Bitcoin ²:

- *Highest price in 24 hours*: $99,507.10

- *Lowest price in 24 hours*: $95,384.80

- *Price change in 7 days*: -4.21%

- *Price change in 30 days*: +0.66%