The silliest behavior of people is being unwilling to let go. Many matters in this world arise from an unwillingness to part. Desiring but not obtaining is a test from heaven. When that moment of reluctance appears, it means that one must let go because this test is called encountering by chance. Those with fate cannot escape it, while those without fate cannot meet it. If you resist it, it will come to you; if you embrace it, it will leave you.
Sticking to the middle while maintaining a singular focus can stabilize the universe. The assets of life are always passed through ups and downs, which is an objective fact. Therefore, to have a strategy that is sustainable, long-lasting, and can be continuously operated, it must include its opposite, meaning it must include responses to both rises and falls. To put it simply, regardless of whether it rises or falls, there exists maximization of benefits; both can maximize benefits. This refers to long-term benefit maximization because, in the short term, maximizing benefits regardless of rises or falls is unattainable.
Specifically: In the long term, the choice is to continuously buy; buy when you have money, buy when there are bullish signals, not for any other reason, as long as the quantity increases, it is a victory.
Short-term positioning is speculation, which is to earn U. Speculation serves investment, while short-term serves long-term; everything else is secondary. Short-term is for making profits, while long-term is for investing to earn money.