#Daram Whether it's meetings on Telegram or Spaces on Twitter, it’s all brainwashing. They talk about how great Big Goose is, how wonderful it is, and then say that among the entire Auntie Tai chain, only Big Goose has popularity. There are plenty of popular projects out there; Auntie Hippo is way better than Big Goose. Every day it's just this hype about how amazing it is, without mentioning any real issues. Do these people even look at the market? Whether it's in WeChat groups or Telegram groups, as soon as someone mentions something negative about Big Goose, they label you as bearish. What kind of logic is that? There will always be someone trying to kick you out for just speaking out. There's no freedom of speech at all; it’s just mindless praise for Big Goose. Can’t we just discuss facts? They can’t see any practical issues at all. The entire community just indulges in fantasies every day. Everyone has so many tokens, afraid that theirs might be fewer than others'. When it comes time to use those tokens, there will be no one to lend you any. Let's see who runs the fastest. Currently, it seems there are still 6.9 billion tokens available for borrowing, but before, they were shouting about borrowing tokens and no one lent any. Each one boasts about having more tokens than anyone else, but when something happens, they really run away.