Trading Opportunities: Wait or Seek?

1. To wait is passive, to seek is active. Waiting for trading opportunities lets them present themselves, we simply wait passively; seeking trading chances means actively searching in the market.

2. Waiting is like casting a net and waiting, seeking is like throwing a net to catch. Thus, waiting relies on "objective" market measures, using whatever net to catch whatever fish; seeking relies on "subjective" market observation, throwing the net where the fish are seen.

3. Waiting results in few trades, seeking results in many. When waiting for trading opportunities, if they are not present, it is quiet, hence fewer transactions; seeking means frequently casting nets, leading to more trades.

4. Waiting is more precise, seeking is somewhat blind. Waiting is "no eagle without a rabbit," seeking is "strike at the slightest movement of grass," precision differs, yet waiting is prone to missed opportunities.

Both have their differences and similarities; one must have a "net" and traders choose their method.