The cryptocurrency Pepe (PEPE) has experienced significant price fluctuations during December 2024. Below are the most notable movements:

Monthly highs and lows:

All-time high: On December 9, 2024, PEPE reached a maximum price of 0.00002803 US$.

Recent low: On December 16, 2024, the recorded minimum price was 0.000023 US$.

Weekly trend:

In the week leading up to December 18, PEPE showed a downward trend, with an approximate decrease of 1.42%.

Trading volume:

The trading volume in the last 24 hours has been significant, reaching 2,629.23 million US$.

Market capitalization:

The market capitalization of PEPE is around 9,236.7 million US$.

Short-term predictions:

According to estimates, the price of PEPE is expected to reach 0.0000261 US$ by December 19, 2024, representing an increase of 11.11% compared to the current price.

Final considerations:

Cryptocurrencies are very volatile. Always do your own research and make your own decisions before entering the crypto market.
