In the Same Date. The 12% Ratio of Coin Increase out of 4 Billion Will not only be Increased on #Binance but will be divided into all the Exchanges where the Coin is available and will be traded.
Current Stats for the Coin Based on My Own Research !
Pre Market Closing Value : 0.84
Spot Trading Opening Value : 0.84 ( Will be the same )
Air Drops for Pre Market Holders: Nil ( Same coins in your Wallet will be available on same value at the time of Spot Launch )
Increase In Price : Very High Chance, Based on the market sentiments and People's interest. Some Facts to be considered Ensuring Price Surge
No Capping On purchases
FOMO Factor ( As we see on the launch of every coin, price surges to some 1000%+ Right after a few hours after the launch)
Well marketed Project,