The price of Dego Finance (DEGO) is expected to rise significantly in this bull run. The current price is $3.53, and its price may reach $6.99 by January 2025, which is an increase of 96.48%.

Here are some important predictions:

- *2025*: The price of $DEGO Finance may reach $8.29, which is an increase of 134.90%.

- *2026*: The price of Dego Finance may reach $3.74, which is an increase of 6.01%.

- *2027*: The price of Dego Finance may reach $3.79, which is an increase of 7.41%.

- *2028*: The price of Dego Finance may reach $6.65, which is an increase of 88.43% .

- *2029*: Dego Finance price may reach $27.66, which is an increase of 684.17%.

- *2030*: Dego Finance price may reach $4.52, which is an increase of 28.04%.

It is important to note that the crypto market keeps fluctuating, and it is difficult to predict future prices. Hence, do your research before investing and make a decision according to your risk tolerance.