In the stock market, there exists a classic pattern known as 'two rising candles sandwiching one falling candle', referred to in academic circles as a bullish engulfing pattern.

The formation consists of three candlesticks: two rising candles sandwiching a falling candle. The first and last candlesticks are both bullish (rising candles), while the middle second candlestick is bearish (falling candle), and this bearish candle is completely enveloped by the two bullish candles on either side. This candlestick combination typically appears in an upward trend and represents a continuation pattern, indicating that the market is likely to remain bullish. Specifically, the first candlestick is a large bullish candle from an earlier upward trend; the body of the second bearish candle is entirely within the body range of the first large bullish candle; the third candlestick is also a large bullish candle, and its body fully covers the body portion of the bearish candle; ideally, the closing price of the third large bullish candle is the same as the closing price of the first large bullish candle.

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