Price forecast for Hamster Kombat in 2024
Technical analysis has shown that Hamster Kombat is expected to fluctuate between $0.002427 and $0.00391, with an average price of $0.003371 in 2024. Therefore, if you buy Hamster Kombat at the current price of $0.003371, your potential return on investment in 2024 is 0.
Price forecast for Hamster Kombat in 2025
It is estimated that by 2025, the average price of Hamster Kombat will be $0.00364, with an expected maximum of $0.005351 and a potential minimum of $0.002657. Buying Hamster Kombat at the current price of $0.003371 could potentially yield +8.00% in 2025.
Price forecast for Hamster Kombat in 2026
Past trends and patterns indicate that Hamster Kombat could reach a maximum of $0.005485 with the lowest price of $0.003057 in 2026. Thus, buying Hamster Kombat at the current price of $0.003371 could yield a potential return on investment based on an average price of $0.004496 in 2026 of +33.00%.
Price forecast for Hamster Kombat in 2027
It is forecasted that Hamster Kombat will fluctuate around $0.00499 for most parts in 2027, with an expected minimum of $0.002894 and an expected maximum of $0.007086. Based on this forecast, you can expect a potential return on investment of $0.003371 if you buy at the current market price of +48.00%.
Price forecast for Hamster Kombat in 2028
Based on historical data, Hamster Kombat could reach a maximum of $0.00791, with $0.003683 becoming the lowest price in 2028. Thus, if you had bought Hamster Kombat at the current price of $0.003371, your potential return on investment in 2028 would be $0.006038, as it approaches the average price of +79.00%.
Price forecast for Hamster Kombat in 2029
In 2029, the lowest price that can be seen for Hamster Kombat is estimated at $0.004394, while the peak price of the year could well be around $0.009625. With an average price of $0.006974, your potential return on investment in 2029, if you buy at the market price of $0.003371, is +106.00%.
Price forecast for Hamster Kombat in 2030
Following market sentiments in previous years, it is predicted that Hamster Kombat will fluctuate between $0.006308 and $0.01045, with an average price of $0.0083 in 2030. Buying Hamster Kombat at the current price of $0.003371 should yield you a potential return on investment of +146.00% if you hold it until 2030.