Position allocation is adjusted dynamically. Recently, I have found that many people are either stubborn or extreme and buy all kinds of small coins, which is a mess.

The big results in the cryptocurrency world are usually earned in the frenzy of a certain track at a certain stage.

At the same time, most of the situations in which people did not make money or even ended up losing money were because they did not quickly follow up with a large position when the main track was frenzy. Instead, they turned themselves into ostriches and just stayed on a tepid track!

So, next, there are three tracks that I must focus on and have a certain position in to seize the right opportunity to lay out:

1. BRC20 track

I only have one thing to say, the big cake trend will not end, and the inscription will continue to be a carnival! ! Therefore, choose the right way to participate in the configuration and layout! It determines the upper limit of this round of income.

2. AI + NFT track

Don’t say AI is fake! It’s really true. Look at which big institution in the cryptocurrency circle has not laid out an AI track project this round?

None of the AI ​​track stocks that I focused on in the last round are weak - FET, CTXC, ARKM, and ORAI!

Lian Mouan’s recently launched NFP is on the AI+NFT track!

Although NFT is weak now, it is expected to explode in the future with innovation, especially the recent rapid growth of brc20 NFT collection! It is a very easy way for ordinary people to participate in the game!

3. Game Direction

With the launch of ACE, the market value has suddenly increased very high. It may need to be cooled down in the short term, but don’t worry, it will be ready and explode when the time comes!

There is a saying: Entertainment to death

Games will only become more and more popular in the future, so don’t underestimate those gaming projects, at least configure one!

At the moment, I am just looking at the track, and I have a very clear view of its future!

Bitcoin has reached a critical time again. If it cannot break through this position, it will continue to fluctuate and adjust. The risk of a pullback will increase towards the end of the month. It is estimated that there will be an adjustment cycle at the end of the month or the beginning of the year. Everyone should pay attention to the risks at that time. Doubling the price is always the right choice.

At the 4-hour level, focus on the position near 43300. If it returns to this position again, there will be no hope of upward attack in the short term, which means there will be adjustments.