There is only one night left until the airdrop time for $FLOKI . Currently, the price of Floki is around 0.000236, while the price of monkeys on the adjacent exchange is currently 0.000016. If we calculate the exchange rate, assuming we use 1000 dollars to buy Floki, we would get 1000 ÷ 0.000236 = 4237288.136 coins. Based on the airdrop ratio of 0.35, we can calculate 4237288 * 0.35 = 1483050.8 monkey airdrops. Therefore, the calculated price for the airdrop monkeys is 1483050 * 0.0000167 = 24.766935 dollars (the investment of 1000 dollars has an airdrop value of 24.7 dollars).

The above is the value ratio of this airdrop. Friends who are on the sidelines can refer to the return rate. If after this airdrop, Binance and OKEx can go to another exchange, then the value of this airdrop may double.