I'm back from a big break where I developed other things than trading. I haven't forgotten you, my last indicator wasn't necessarily complete although in trading these are indicators that are very expensive.

so i'm back to give you my own private jet. 🛩

I do this so that we are on an equal footing and so that those who need money can have some 😅💸🍺

you have to know that with even the best indicators we live in a world where you have machines in front of you🤖🤖🤖 which will always be stronger and that even if you invest intelligently it will be very hard to have a little money

That's why you need very good tools to see into the future...

depending on the trader obviously there are several possible strategies nevertheless I give you a strategy which can be applied in spot trading or in future trading for those who want to do it without however giving you 100% guarantee

nevertheless I want everyone to know that there are key numbers in trading and that you have to know them So what are these numbers ??? When applied in indicators they work miracles these numbers are 33 13 83 as luck would have it these are the lucky numbers but it goes beyond luck it is downright numbers that can determine buying times and selling times where you will always have a winning trade.

the secret therefore (which should not be secret either) is to trade with several good indicators. in this code they are all gathered

  1. The first thing is to know if we are in a peak or a potential trough since each peak is a trough and can turn into a trough and a peak if the asset continues to rise, however this allows us to eliminate even a lot of false signals.

  2. so for this you simply have to use an SMA some traders use the SMA 50 I use the SMA 33 because it is much more precise and the signals arrive much more quickly while being wide enough to avoid false signals, we will determine if the SMA goes down or up (trough, peak) on 33.

  3. then I use the Tilson T3 and the parabolic SAR, one of the best indicators, used by I see it and I note it here on square, many traders to determine buying and selling times except that it does not understand that we are in a peak or in a trough like an SMS 33 so it is just to complete

  4. and finally I use the RSI which is not that precise there are key moments like RSI 30 and RSI 40 and between the two areas where it is very advantageous to buy at risk, because we can also take a trend continuity and in this case it is just to complete. the RSI is not necessarily a very very good indicator in trading just to know if it is for example above 50 that everyone is buying and the problem is that we will buy after everyone has bought so we will be able to take a market reversal much more easily so that is why the RSI is not a very very good indicator to know when to buy and sell, because when it is above 50 it is too late and when it is below 50 it is too early and everyone is selling and if we buy at that time there is a good chance that it will continue to fall. It must therefore be supplemented with the other indicators.

  5. we don't take it into account in the buy and sell signals but it just puts a different color to know when we are below 30 above 40 for a purchase. above 40 it will be a very light green.

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0

// © jeromehorus


indicator("Terminator Tradingje", overlay=true)

// Input Parameters

psar_start = input.float(0.02, "PSAR Start", step=0.001)

psar_increment = input.float(0.02, "PSAR Increment", step=0.01)

psar_max = input.float(0.2, "PSAR Maximum", step=0.01)

length = input.int(6, "T3 Length", minval=1)

vFactor = input.float(0.7, "T3 Volume Factor", minval=0.1, maxval=1.0)

trailing_stop_percent = input.float(10, "Trailing Stop Loss %", minval=0.1) / 100

// Parabolic SAR Calculation

psar = ta.sar(psar_start, psar_increment, psar_max)

// Tilson T3 Line Calculation

ema1 = ta.ema(close, length)

ema2 = ta.ema(ema1, length)

ema3 = ta.ema(ema2, length)

ema4 = ta.ema(ema3, length)

wait5 = ta.wait(wait4, length)

wait6 = ta.wait(wait5, length)

c1 = -vFactor * vFactor * vFactor

c2 = 3 * vFactor * vFactor + 3 * vFactor * vFactor * vFactor

c3 = -6 * vFactor * vFactor - 3 * vFactor - 3 * vFactor * vFactor * vFactor

c4 = 1 + 3 * vFactor + vFactor * vFactor * vFactor + 3 * vFactor * vFactor

t3 = c1 * ema6 + c2 * ema5 + c3 * ema4 + c4 * ema3

// Trailing Stop Loss Logic

var float trail_stop_long = na

var float trail_stop_short = na

if (na(trail_stop_long) or close > trail_stop_long)

trail_stop_long := close * (1 - trailing_stop_percent)

if (close < trail_stop_long)

trail_stop_at := and

if (na(trail_stop_short) or close < trail_stop_short)

trail_stop_short := close * (1 + trailing_stop_percent)

if (close > trail_stop_short)

trail_stop_short := na

// Buy and Sell Conditions

long_condition = ta.crossover(close, t3) and close > psar

short_condition = ta.crossunder(close, t3) and close < psar

// Plotting

plot(psar, "Parabolic SAR", color=color.new(color.red, 0), style=plot.style_circles)

plot(t3, "Tilson T3", color=color.new(color.blue, 0), linewidth=2)

// Trailing Stop Lines

plot(trail_stop_long, "Trailing Stop Long", color=color.new(color.green, 50), style=plot.style_line)

plot(trail_stop_short, "Trailing Stop Short", color=color.new(color.red, 50), style=plot.style_line)

// Signals

bgcolor(long_condition ? color.new(color.green, 90) : na, title="Buy Signal")

bgcolor(short_condition ? color.new(color.red, 90) : na, title="Sell Signal")


clos = ta.sma(close,33)

float dm =0

float dd =0

for i = 0 to plage

m= clos-clos[1]>0?true:false

diff= math.abs(clos-clos[1])

dm := m? dm+diff:dm

dd := m==false? dd+diff:dd

rsip = input.int(33,"play rsi")

rsivb = input.int(33,"value onSale")

rsivh = input.int(66,"overbuy value")

rsiv = ta.rsi(close,rsip)

color rscol = rsiv<30? color.purple: rsiv >30 and rsiv <40 ? color.rgb( 0, (rsiv-30)*10,0) : rsiv >40 ? color.rgb(125,255,155):color.blue

// Buy and Sell Labels

if (long_condition and dd> dm)

label.new(bar_index, low, "B", style=label.style_label_up, color=rscol, textcolor=color.white)

if (short_condition and dm>dd)

label.new(bar_index, high, "S", style=label.style_label_down, color=color.red, textcolor=color.white)

alertcondition(long_condition, title="Buy Alert", message="Buy Signal Detected!")

alertcondition(short_condition, title="Sell Alert", message="Sell Signal Detected!")
